Wednesday, 13 August 2014


The Senses are greater than the Body , and Greater than the Senses is the Mind, and greater than the Mind is the Intellect and greater than the Intellect is the SELF the Spirit.

  - Bhagvad Gita

We live and perceive our world within the two extremes of Body and Spirit.

Capt. Sarab Sandhu

Monday, 21 July 2014


If our thoughts create our experience, then what does that say about a person that is not aware of where he/she is beating the drums?

Each thought moves us closer to or farther from our desired outcome! It just takes our attention to the way we FEEL (feel our feelings!) so that we can guide ourselves steadily toward our own goals. It is amazing how our built-in emotional guidance system helps us travel the distance from where we are to where we want to be, exactely as a GPS!

It is really important to get clear about which is our goal, which are the steps that must be taken for to achieve it and where we are in relationship with the ultimate outcome. This represents a „bring you back on track” when we are distracted by those that may interfere and ask us to act in a different way for to positively affect their experience and so get lost and go off track.

Which Direction to go.
Sexy action steps and of course sexy goal! This is what got me personally to another level on my journey to my goals. If our goal does not feel attractive to us, then how much willingness, perseverance would we have during our journey? Let`s be sincere, with the first blow of wind, we would even forget that there was something that made us dare for more! So, make it sexy, attractive to you, try to see the benefits in each and every step and connect to that good feeling. This will be fuel for us!

Ancient Wisdom
On a piece of paper, write down your goal and on a scale 1-10 determine what you have to do to get there, what you are willing to do. Decide what actions would take you to the next level. If for example you are on the fouth level on your scale, decide what actions would take you to a five, then to a six, to a seven, to an eight, to a nine and finally to your goal. I experienced the benefits of doing this, so make all of it feel sexy to you!

Feel and experience!

Adelina Maria Micu

Friday, 18 July 2014



Everything is energy. Everything! Including us!
It is good to remember this as our tendency is to focus so much on the solid, palpable things that we forget that there is much more than that.

We are Source Energy in a physical body! We are not just this physical body, but also energy, spirit (however you want to call it). I love the comparison with the electricity that passes through the walls of my house up to my toast. I do not see the electricity inside it but it is there working perfectly together for to get my toast.

Energy Centers
All energy vibrates and all these vibrational waves carry a bit of information about us. Our thoughts determine emotions within us that are our indicators of the vibrational content of our Being and the signal that we transmit as electromagnetic vibrating info energy waves.

People didn`t have this understanding form the beginnings but they observed the relationship between the way they were feeling and their experience. (You know those moments when something bad happens to you and then it gets worse and worse until you can find some relief and begin to feel better and so your physical experience begins to improve.) The feeling precedes the experience!

On one hand, there were people with positive, healthy beliefs about life in general, therefore experiencing good life, on the other hand, there were people with negative beliefs and therefore experiencing a hard life, none on them being aware of why they were experiencing what they were experiencing, but just accepting it or feeling a victim. We now know that we can become aware of the feeling of your emotions, therefore we get to know what is our vibrational offering.

They decided to take advantage of it and practice the alignement of their thoughts and beliefs therefore they could reach a level of good feeling (joy, love, freedom, appreciation) on purpose for to attract and experience good things in their lives. It worked!

They saw the connection between thoughts, emotions and physical experience. They observed how their experience changed according to their thoughts and believes and they knew there was no exception to this.

That was something universal, a universal law. They realized that was similar to the Law of Gravity. The ball that you throw up in the air comes back to you; the emotion that represents the signal you send out in the universe comes back to you as a physical experience. So, they gave it a name: The Law of Attraction.

How could I find out about this law just now? Shouldn`d this have been one of my first lessons about life? Where have I been living until now that I have not heard anything about it!?” these were my questions a few years ago when I first found out about this universal law.

I specialized as Law of Attraction Couch as I experienced on my own skin how challenging it can be to literally take the responsibility of being the creator of my life and not a victim of circumstances. How empowering that can be!

Don`t get me wrong! You do not have to be a Law of Attraction coach or even know about it for to live a great live, but if you don`t live the life you want, if you struggle then it should be your tool. I don`t say it from books, but from my own experience!

All is energy…
Brandon Buchard said: “Life itself is energy, so if you have no energy, what does that say about your life?”
Please, ask yourself right now: “What is my energy level?” Become aware of that (on a scale of 1 to 10) and see if that energy level satisfies  you or if you feel like rather taking action and increase it. (you could do that several times a day!)

Feel and experience!

July 18th 2014

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

State of Mind - SOM

If one’s State of Mind is always happy and positive your have fulfilled your mandate of the gift of your life. 

Coupled with the desire to be in selfless service to humanity you have absolutely made good use of the physical life gifted to you.
All the rest is an Illusion.

To achieve the ultimate truth you have to tread through many falsehoods-illusions. Do you recognize the falsehoods ? 

Real direct knowledge is gained by introspection and meditation which helps to dispels darkness.

Let us attempt to define Happiness mathematically ;

Happiness =  What you Have  /  What you Need   ( A Ratio)

Happiness is a ratio where any thing greater than or equal to one means Positive and less than one is not.

In the equation the Numerator = What you have, depends on many external circumstances not all in your control.
Say you prosper and increase the numerator to a high number. Good luck.

Denominator = What you need,  again depends on your thought process and ego. This number will increase with you desires.
Keeping this number in check helps immensely in the overall Ratio.

Pursuit of wealth, name and fame, is the blueprint most want to follow. Truth is that ultimately it is not fulfilling as your denominator also increase causing the ratio to be less than one.

Happiness is an inner state not an outer accomplishments.

What is required is a good balance between the Inner and Outer worlds.

Good Health,  Peace of Mind and contentment are treasures to be cultivated and cherished.

Use your own methods to balance the Happiness ratio. 

Meditate to improve Direct Experiential Knowledge to guide you.

Life is actually simple but we all make it unusually complicated. 

You now know what is required- Execute . You will Honour the Gift of your Life given to YOU.


Tuesday, 27 May 2014

MediCation - C replaced by T - MediTation

Meditation Meditation  Meditation - What is it ?

“Practice meditation regularly. Meditation leads to eternal bliss. Therefore meditate, meditate, meditate."     -Swami Sivananda

"There is no time for Meditation - in the time available I will medicate, medicate, medicate "  - Todays Majority Thinking

Actually the act of doing and thinking nothing - is meditation. Unlearning what you have learnt is a process of meditation. The indirect advantage of meditation are many and when done regularly are more powerful than medication.

Medication is a short time quickfix to physical or mental afflictions with the hope that the body's auto immune system will then take over. 

Meditation if done porperly and regularly will prevent those physical or mental afflictions from occuring.

Is it a religious act of some kind ?  NO.

Have you ever done meditation in your life ? 

To all those who have not done meditation ever I have news for you.
We all meditate every day whether we know it or not. This the best type of meditation says the Dalai Lama. 

At night when your body instructs you to sleep and in due course your body muscle tone is loosened, heart rate comes down, there is improved blood circulation, blood pressure is normalized , your endocrine system endeavours to stabilize, overall it resets your physical, electrical and chemical systems All this while you are in deep sleep state - unconscious state. 

What was so religious about the above fact ?

We will quantify the rest and rejuvenation one achieves by sleeping 8 hours as One Unit of wellness. This is assuming this was a sound sleep without any interruptions.

Now if you Meditate while your mind is in the  conscious state the advantages your receive during meditations is THREE times more effective than what you receive during sleep.

To put it in another way, if you could meditate, in the conscious state, for 3 hours - it is equivalent to 9 hours of sleep. You now have 6 additional hours to do any activity of choice - write a book perhaps or mediate some more !

To explain this further let me go to the very fundamentals.
There are SIX basic systems in the human mind body continuum.

The Mind System -  The Third Eye - Brain
The Nervous System - Vayana  Vayu. - Over all
The Respiratory System -Udana Vayu - Throat 
The Circulatory System - Prana  Vayu - Throat to Heart
The Digestive System - Samana Vayu -  Heart to Navel
The Elimination System - Apana Vayu - Navel to Rectum

If any one system fails the body cannot last.

Breathing rate is normally 15 breaths per minute (bpm) for a healthy person who will then live to a 100 years of age.
Now if we reduce the breathing rate to 6 bpm by consciously slowing the breathing rate - this will effect the circulatory system by reducing the number of heart beats and the consequently the blood pressure. This will have a beneficial effect on the Nervous System which in turn will provide a better ambient currents to improve the Digestive and Elimination system.
You did hear of person in stress condition (mind) does tend towards constipation

One of the fact is that the Human Body can correct it self by triggering the body’s  auto immune system. The conditions have to be right for the Auto Immune System to be effective.

What are those conditions ?

  • Stillness of body. (When sleeping you can achieve it and when in a meditative pose) 
  • A quite place where one can mediate or sleep.
  • A calm state of mind. (When sleeping you can achieve it but you are in deep sleep - unconscious. In meditative state you can achieve the calm state while in the conscious state).
  • To increase blood flow to extremities and organs.

To illustrate let us visit a newly born baby and somebody in their thirties.
The baby smells good if the pamper effect is not taken into account. The baby has all their SIX systems working efficiently and in balance. One important factor in the system is removal of toxins from cells which are dead and to bring fresh nutrients to new cells. 

In the baby this system is working most efficiently as compared to an older person who has picked up bad habits during their lifetime. If the baby is not bathed she/he still smells fresh - the older body will start smelling because of non removal of toxins. On the other extreme when flesh rots the smell is awe full.

Fact- If blood circulation is increased to organs and extremities we can have excellent toxins removal and nutrient delivery to cells of those regions.

How do we increase Blood Circulation ?
You can only use your body and their systems, no chemical or physical aids are allowed to increase blood circulation.
Lets us follow a package of air ( one Breath) which was breathed in and what difference did it make.

You took in AIR which is : NORMAL

You took in AIR which is possible during  MEDITATION

So we agree if we reduce breath per minute and breath deeply and diaphragmatically so we can increase the oxygen absorption. 

So that package of air went to the alveoli and a gas exchange takes place from the CO2 rich blood coming back to the heart. Freshly oxygenated blood  is diverted by the heart into the circulatory system.

The CO2 absorbed from the blood in the alveoli  is exhaled by the lung. So that package of air was processed so as to move fresh blood forward by a few inches. 

At this point let us say we can achieve this increased absorption of O2 and increased expulsion of toxins when meditation is achieved.  We will do a practicum to prove this.

As an analogy lets us say a human has a heart which is connected to a long pipe. The blood in the pipe irrigates a body organ and comes back to the heart. The long pipe is coiled like a garden hose in the body. So merely the process of blood circulation continues as usual.

Now when one wakes up they immediately start thinking of the day to day affairs  and also the reasons which cause stress. Due to this flight response due to stress the muscle tone of the entire body implodes. This causes a constriction in the long pipe. This causes the heart to pump harder. This stress is like a person standing on top of the coiled garden hose. Generally  STRESS is defeating the forces of longevity.

Now in this state if we achieve meditation it is very productive. For a start we request the person standing on your chest to get off. This softens the muscle tone of the body  and  automatically improving blood flow to the organs and extremities and is in cooperation with the forces of longevity.

Meditation alone  improves the blood flow considerably. Now additionally by just modulating your breath easily you can further increase blood flow by additional 30%. 

Now this is specific exercises of Yoga called Pranayama which can achieve this. Presently let us learn how to achieve meditation before we learn Pranayama. 

Learn to walk before we run !

Lets go for a leisurely walk.

Love and Light


PS: Please send me any query you have at the above address. Our panels of experts - Real Yogis in India-  will gladly answer .

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

What is LOVE.....

What is Love?

Are you happy with your definitions? 

There are two laws, the Law of Expansion and the Law of Contraction. Hate others, you are going through the Law of Contraction. Love all, you are going through the Law of Expansion.

Do you feel your State of Mind (SOM) vibrates more positively when you are vibrating in harmony with the emotion called love. One of the highest emotions on the Emotional Scale.

If one dwells or acts on the love emotion as a recipient or as a provider- one's state of mind soars towards the positive.

Let us also see from a different perspective.
Hate is a negative emotion  which is caused because of absence of Love.
Yes Hate is the dichotomy of Love.

How would we know what is Love if there was no Hate ? 

We can say love and hate are drawn from the same bucket of emotions - one causes aversion and the other attraction.

In the hierarchy of the love-hate emotions the best is  the Love of Self.

All other recipients of the emotion are secondary.

Your Mind is connected to your body with the two sentries, breath - inhalation and exhalation. All the emotions come specifically from the Four Primitive Fountains of Life, conscious mind and randomly from your unconscious mind, 95% of the total mind. 

Emotions then cause thoughts or actions with respect to a recipient to who it is targeted.  The perception of the receiver will be as per their domain of knowledge, their goodness scale. The feed back to the initiator will also be perceived as per their domain of knowledge, their goodness scale. So this is how the see saw goes on.  

Now what happens when you, alone, are present in the interaction above  which occurs.

It is a fact that you love yourself if you look after your Body the best possible way you can, improving your knowledge so as to dispel ignorance,  better you perceptive powers, eating right so it does not effect your health and generally improve your virtue count during this spell of conscious living.

110 years old, loving and childlike. 
Press Picture for Details
Simply put if you vibrate positively with the love emotion you will have a profound effect on your disposition and health. 

Do not dwell into the lower emotions of hatred, shame, fear, grief, condemnation, race prejudice for they take you away from self love. 

 "We can only love another; if we love ourselves first.” - Anonymous 

We can sure say that the absence of hate is tending towards love.

What does Lao Tzu say about Goodness and love…..

A truly good man is not aware of his goodness,
And is therefore good.
A foolish man tries to be good,
And is therefore not good.

A truly good man does nothing,
Yet nothing is left undone.
A foolish man is always doing,
Yet much remains to be done

When a truly kind man does something, he leaves nothing undone.
When a just man does something, he leaves a great deal to be done.
When a disciplinarian does something and no one responds,
He rolls up his sleeves in an attempt to enforce order

Therefore when Tao is lost, there is goodness.
When goodness is lost, there is kindness.
When kindness is lost, there is justice.
When justice is lost, there is ritual.
Now ritual is the husk of faith and loyalty, the beginning of confusion.
Knowledge of the future is only a flowery trapping of the Tao.
It is the beginning of folly.

Therefore the truly great man dwells on what is real  and not what is on the surface,
On the fruit and not the flower,
Therefore accept the one and reject the other.

Tao Te Ching, Chapter 38 ,

When the Tao is lost , there is goodness. So this is the goodness scale we talk about. In a Tao centred life there is no good or bad, there is no scale. It is what it is. All is perfect in Nature. When we deal with our own selves  we have to be Tao centred in how we act. We are not trying impress our own self!

"We are never deceived; we deceive ourselves”  - Johann Wolfgang Goethe 

“He who outwardly restraining the Organs of Senses and Action (Physically restrain the Senses); sits mentally dwelling on the Object of Senses, (What the Senses will perceive as an object) that man of deluded intellect is called a hypocrite” - Bhagwad Gita.

Attachment is misery, non-attchment means love.
All of our possessions and relationships are viewed as attachments.
If we view all such with love, non-attachment rather than attachments then we will not feel the misery on their loss.
All thing and relationships are transient and should be enjoyed with non-attachment and love.

When there is non-attachment involved there is absence of hate and as such surfaces unconditional love.

On a survey conducted on people of 100 years and over guess what was the most important ingredient of longevity.
Yes you guessed it it was Love. This could be love and acceptance provided by family members, intellectual companionship by friends or generally a person of disposition where hating some  one was not part of the mind set. All the participants accepted this as the most important ingredient in their longevity.—Why ?

1 years old loving 
When you are angry which you will be when hate is part of your mental disposition, The muscle tone is constricted as in a fight/flight response, which in turn causes all the blood vessel/pipes in the body to contract ever so minutely, this causes less blood to reach the extremities or organs while keeping the blood pressure constant. - Loss of Blood irrigation to cells due to contraction.(minute effect multiplied by a lot of time!)

If the heart increases blood pressure to achieve irrigation levels previously sought ; The increase of Heart beats due to contraction.

If the muscle tone is relaxed and there is no constriction - You have maximum flow to organs and extremities where the toxins are removed efficiently and fresh food for new cell is received. — Simple logic , long lasting carbon life form. 

This actually can be witnessed when inspecting a baby. The baby breaths what is required, without constriction of blood vessels/ pipes, as they are all infused with love the natural emotion. This causes efficient exchange of nutrients and toxins at the cell level. The baby have an excellent body smell due to this efficient exchange. As part of human conditioning the baby learns how to hate at some point.

The only better way to live is with Love as the dominating emotion, hopefully with non- attachment and unconditional.

It is for you to see where you are and where want to go. You decide and go forth with love always smelling nice.


Join the Inner Being Club....for FREE

Longevity Unleashed  - A Udemy course - Now FREE
You will understand and learn why Meditation,
Breathing Correctly, Eating the Right Stuff and
To be  Loving.......a Brif Introduction..

Thursday, 1 May 2014


Being a Carbon Life Form we need to consume carbon energy - food to sustain ourselves as a living body. We can also can use energy in form of sunlight to sustain the body, that requires a little practice.

As a rule most people eat three times more than what is essential for good health. When we eat any food there are two factors which are most important  in consuming it. First is the Nourishing value and the Second is the pleasant sense of taste.

For example if one was given a bowl of shelled peanuts and said you need to eat 40 nuts only as the required refuelling for the body. 

In this experiment of eating peanuts to satiate hunger you see how we eat mentally when for good consumption and use of resource we have to consume much less.

If you ate one peanut at a time, and only have the second one after the first was chewed and swallowed well  completely, you could take 20 minutes to finish the 40 nuts. You took in some air while eating and also the time base tells your brain you have been eating for 20 mins and starts sending signals of fullness.

On the other hand if you ate 10 nuts at a time and took 30 seconds to chew it you could finish all the nuts in 2 minutes. Also the fullness factor would only come after 20 morsels of 10 nuts each. You end up having 200 nuts to feel full. This is mental eating.

It is the same taste of the peanuts  when you eat one peanut or you eat 10 at a time.

In this experiment of eating peanuts to satiate hunger you see how we eat mentally when for good consumption and proper use of resource we can consume much less.

This happens with air also. We breath air with  21% oxygen and exhale with 16% Oxygen. We only absorb 4 % of Oxygen every time the 15 times we breath in a minute.

If we reduce the amount of breaths to 4 times per minute then we would absorb more than 6% oxygen.

We learn that to err on the side of more becomes part of our learning and as such defines our goodness scale to measures all things in life.
We want to feel the fullness in the stomach and that defines - my hunger is satiated.
Any thing less would mean that you were not getting enough food.!

 As an example, the food servings given in a Texan diner are so huge if you are not used to it but adequate to the people used to that size of serving.

When I joined the naval training  as a cadet officer the daily meals given was considered not enough. I had come from home where a feeling of fulness had to be achieved after eating a meal. 

Unknown to me the food serving on the training ship was scientifically  calculated to be more that adequate for a growing kid of 17 years.

After a year, the same serving could not be finished by me and I was more fitter than a year ago. All the extra food you could not eat was shared with a new junior cadets who surely would be hungry.

We can train ourself to only to nourish ourself, just like we refuel a car - no more no less.
This will ensure less processing of food by our digestive system and also reduce the amount of nutrients lost in the excreted waste.

We would do this to ensure good health by avoiding overeating, and collectively, if the entire world agrees, the living planet will have that much less nutrients to process and the associated release of biogas.

Our learning point here is that nourishment by way of food should be what the body requires to operate efficiently- any excess should be avoided.

The portions should be adequately sized and tasting well.  We have come to an unhealthy conclusion , taste is important and portioning depends on how much you require to be full. The sense of taste was designed to reject food the taster did not like.

What to eat, when to eat, portion and  recipes are not in the scope of this post only the fact eat less and you will be healthier.  

It is all your own will,  to eat to live or  to live to eat.
There are more health issues with over eating and there ever is with under eating.

So you can attach minimum 15 more years to your lifespan if you choose to eat to live.

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Mata Vaishno Devi Vibrational Place

April 18th 2014

Today we visit Mata Vaishno Devi cave. This is a place having a high vibrations which make you feel good. We all are vibrational beings - here you get resonance by just being on the hill;.

Next trip to the Mount Everest.


Sunday, 6 April 2014

Rishikesh the Holy City

My departure to Toronto was delayed due to official reasons. Now I had 2 months to finish my project. This was after all near the dreaded March 31st financial closing in India. I was stationed at Chandigarh India

To make constructive use of the time I decided to visit Rishikesh. I chose Rishikesh as a by-product, because Swami Rama’s Ashram was located there. I had discovered Swami Rama on the Internet in 2008 and since then had become well versed in his teachings. 
Swami Rama
 1925 –– 1996
Swami Rama's translation of the Mandukya Upanishad, Enlightenment without God is my favourite philosophy.

One of the sites is dedicated to his teachings. There are 40 hours of videos on the internet which one can see. Swami Rama just made the knowledge of the scriptures easy to understand in this own simple way. 

I wanted to enroll for a course starting March 31 for 14 days. This was about transforming your self by applying the teachings of Swami Rama. There was no vacancy, sold out course. There was a course starting March 7th for 3 days and another course starting on March 20th for 5 days. In between was 10 days gap which the ashram allowed me to stay as a self-directed meditation. 

So I stayed from  March 7th to March 26th in Rishikesh at the Sadhna Mandir Ashram built by Swami Rama, exact co-ordinate of the Ashram is 30.084745, 78.288762. 

To reach there from Chandigarh, it took Rs 50 to reach the bus stand, another Rs 50 to reach Ambala by bus, Rs 65 Train ticket to Rishikesh - 4.5 hours journey, Rs 100 to the Auto Rickshaw to reach the Ashram.
1 USD is equivalent to  Rs 65. So in Rs 265 or $ 4 did a 225 Km journey.
View of the Ganges from the Ashram
The Ashram has simply constructed building with an exquisite garden for meditative walks. It was located 50 feet from a flowing river called the Ganga. This place was a  1 kilometer upstream of a barrage which diverted the water for electricity generation, so the water was clean and abundant and at least having a width of 1200 feet. I did swim in the holy waters.

The per day fees for the course and to stay there was Rs 750 or $11.50. This included three vegetarian meals daily and room rental. The food was adequate and wholesome. You had to wash your own dishes and there was no room service!
View of the garden from the dining room

The first course was taught by Ms Savitri Jugdeo. She was a visiting teacher from Toronto.  She had met Swami Rama in person in the ’90s. Imagine meeting in Rishikesh after originating from the same city.

The second course was more intense and was taught by  Dr. Prakash Keshaviah. He was IIT Madras graduate and was a practicing Ph.D. engineer in Minnesota, USA. Swami Rama persuaded him to move back to India in 1990 and join the Himalayan Trust Hospital in Dehra Dun, Uttar Khand, India.

During my stay, I visited Swami Yogananda Yogacharya and attended his Yoga Class. The Swami is 106 years of age at the time of meeting him.

He has his own teeth, own eyes hears well and is on no medication at all.

He was married and has 10 children. His grandson is  60 years old. He has been a widower for the last 10 years.

With Swami Yogananda 
He eats once a day a diet of fruits and nuts only. Typically 2 kgs of oranges, walnuts, almonds, cashews, raisins - nut count 40 units each.
No beverages of any kind except water. He fasts for a week every two months. 

I had the opportunity to ask him directly his secret of longevity.
One of his yoga poses at 106
To have a life filled with love. Love is defined as the absence of hate.
If you don’t do or think of violence you are a loving person. 

Ego, the need for separate existence, will always steer you away from love.

He practices Sukshma Yoga daily. This is the easiest form of yoga for longevity as is apparent. This allows for the best breathing for health

Eat what your body requires. We do tend to eat 3 times more than what the body needs.

With age, we tend to start listening to your body language. If we listen to our bodies early we can no doubt live a healthy long life.

He says it is best practice to keep a fast once a week for better health. You can in one 24 hour period only drink water. 

I want to talk about the dip in the Ganges in my next post.



Monday, 3 February 2014


In a typical winter weather in Punjab a car trip was made from Chandigarh to interiors of Punjab. The temperature was 15 C  , it was sunny as the fog had just cleared.

As a profesional navigator I took the role of plotting the course to reach Village Fazalpur in Punjab.

Our friend Google  Maps gave me two options in Punjab Pakistan and one in Punjab India. Obviously we wanted to go to the one in Punjab India.

All set the passage was punctuated  by stopping at Hoshiarpurian Da Dhaba which serves the best burfi and basen  ( a fudge made with milk and cookies made of Chickpeas). It is always good because they make it every day and sell what ever they make.
Me with Najjar Singh Gill 

On our trip to Fazalpur we had to take a right on the GT Road and my friend who was driving decided to go left as he had been to that village. Now being a professional navigator this was unexplainable. The only explanation I thought was there could be another village by that name which was not displayed by Google.

We also took a wrong turn, then called the people in the village and got fresh directions, so much for the GPS.
We had gone 10 km in the wrong direction , so had to come 10 Km back and then take a right turn.

Eventually we reached the place - It was called Fazalpur and it was  marked in Google (later searched on Lap Top) , just did not show when searched. The coordinates are + 31.1555 +75.4130   (Click the coordinates to visit the village)

It was important to find the exact location where  I met Najjar Singh Gill a resident of this village. He was born in 1904, a leap year, 3rd Modern Olympics in St Louis Missouri ,USA, the same year Cary Grant was born. Najjar Singh was in good health and did no look a day order than present day 80 +. He lost is wife five years ago and they raised 7 boys and 3 girls. The eldest was with him and was in his 80th year.
Standing Tall at 110 years

He had all his faculties but only one of his original tooth with which he likes to eat almonds. Regular vegetarian diet  in small quantities and last meal eaten at 7 PM  and then waking up early. 

Lives on the first floor so has to go up and down the stairs. Uses an ornamental walking stick which is 25 years old.

He is on no medication till now - Blood Pressure or diabetes.  Only medication is a Dispirin to help blood thining. In fact he has a sweet tooth and indulges. Likes his Scotch whisky once in a while.

Lest I say I did meet my future self. I got my picture taken with him.

What keeps him going is love from his large family  and the love from the entire village which he inspects every morning during his daily walk. He was joyful  and seems he had found his purpose to wake up in the morning. He had found a way to enjoy the gift of life by looking after his body, mind and soul.

The family and the village people have a role to play too.

Capt. Sarab Sandhu

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Can we sell all our produce in India ?

In any intensive farming where huge quantities are produced the major factors governing a profitable and successful operation is

1. Methods of efficient production  in  disciplines like Animal Husbandry, Egg Production, Egg Powder Manufacturing. Weightage    20%

2. Trained Personnel  and manpower in the production in specific disciplines . Weightage 30%

3. To follow Industry regulations of the specific  disciplines with regards to Carbon Foot Print.  Weightage 10%

4. Smooth and efficient sale of all produce with no wastage and zero returns. Weightage 40%

Range of efficiencies from 1 to 10, where 10 is the most efficient.

The table below illustrates broadly the factor of success any new  aggro project  will achieve commercially.


Efficient Production Methods - 20%
Trained Personnel - 30%
Carbon Foot Print - 10%
Sales and Marketing - 40%





Weighted Avg





The tables shows that when any New Agricultural product is commercially farmed in India the score is very high.

Some reasons for the high score.

1. The supply of various items like eggs , milk, meats , Lentils is well below the domestic demand of the country.

2. The demand has increased due to change in dietary habits due to better economic performance within the country.

3. Inflation is  existent at  +10% and trending to increase - this will effect the bottom line positively in case of any farm produce.

4. One the important factors is the availability of electric power for sustained use of project automation.  Some States have power only available for 3 hours a day.    We have chosen a State with Surplus and cheap Power. All production activity will be in Himachal Pradesh.

5. All produce can be sold domestically  and could also be exported  to UAE, Iran, Middle East, Phillipines for increased profitability.

6. Trained manpower available from the many agricultural universities.

7.     5.5 acres of Land has been purchased in Himachal Pradesh and negotiation are in process for an extended 99 year lease of 50 acres of Govt Land.

8. The subsidies being offered by the Centre and Himachal Pradesh government is 55% of project cost, payable after completion of the first year.

9. Most projects have a ROI of  30% to 100% after debt service.

10. Government of India allows Foreign Direct Investment for Animal Husbandry and poultry projects, 100% allowed. Repatriation of  profits allowed at official exchange rates.

11. To reduce carbon footprint there is central BioGas Plant which will utilize farm waste to produce heat, electricity and Air conditioning. Examples of Farm 
waste - Chicken Litter, Goat Manure, Pig Manure . The resultant fertilizer produced is odourless and can be used in   fields to grow organic produce. ( this is  viable because of 55% subsidy )

Opportunity for Investor.

1. Units in project will consistently return more than 10% for as long as the project is managed efficiently. The returns will be much higher as the pay back of all  bank loans of most projects is   within 4 years. 
2. The income earned from your shares are tax free in India.
3. Repatriation of  profits allowed at official exchange rates.
4. The projects are being managed by  Capt. Sarabjit Sandhu, resident of Ontario Canada and his selected team of experts as a commercial venture.

Captain WB

PS: Will regularly post about my wins regarding this project.