Tuesday, 15 July 2014

State of Mind - SOM

If one’s State of Mind is always happy and positive your have fulfilled your mandate of the gift of your life. 

Coupled with the desire to be in selfless service to humanity you have absolutely made good use of the physical life gifted to you.
All the rest is an Illusion.

To achieve the ultimate truth you have to tread through many falsehoods-illusions. Do you recognize the falsehoods ? 

Real direct knowledge is gained by introspection and meditation which helps to dispels darkness.

Let us attempt to define Happiness mathematically ;

Happiness =  What you Have  /  What you Need   ( A Ratio)

Happiness is a ratio where any thing greater than or equal to one means Positive and less than one is not.

In the equation the Numerator = What you have, depends on many external circumstances not all in your control.
Say you prosper and increase the numerator to a high number. Good luck.

Denominator = What you need,  again depends on your thought process and ego. This number will increase with you desires.
Keeping this number in check helps immensely in the overall Ratio.

Pursuit of wealth, name and fame, is the blueprint most want to follow. Truth is that ultimately it is not fulfilling as your denominator also increase causing the ratio to be less than one.

Happiness is an inner state not an outer accomplishments.

What is required is a good balance between the Inner and Outer worlds.

Good Health,  Peace of Mind and contentment are treasures to be cultivated and cherished.

Use your own methods to balance the Happiness ratio. 

Meditate to improve Direct Experiential Knowledge to guide you.

Life is actually simple but we all make it unusually complicated. 

You now know what is required- Execute . You will Honour the Gift of your Life given to YOU.


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